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The Writing Process, Time is the Enemy

KC Pruitt

When I started this blog, I explained that it was created as a requirement for an online class that began June 5. I am pursuing an MA in Art with emphasis in Studio Art. I completed the first studio course last week. This online class is the first course I have taken that requires multiple daily writings. It is also the first college based activity since I graduated with a BA in 1973. Since then, I have written something every day. I have been writing in this blog three days a week to practice and develop writing. The online course is Movement and Visual Culture with Professor, Dr. Emily Newman. The writing course requires a look at concepts regarding writing about the relationship between Art and various related activities. Research includes reading, watching videos, and a television program. In addition, students are required to post on a discussion board and comment on others posts. This involves critiques of their writings. The most exhausting concept regards class logistics. It has been difficult assimilating to the amount of time required for this course. To this point in time, I have spent many late nights reading and writing including at least three overnighters. By the end of week five, I developed a routine that optimizes my use of time. This allow me to read, view the videos and television program and write. I think this routine will be my best ally during the second five weeks. I am enrolled in two more courses on campus beginning today through the first ten days of August. My biggest fear is the rigor required to handle the course load.

My writing over the last forty-five years has always been more technical and in support of loan proposals which required actual documents and appraisals as attachments. In the last five years, the writing has been about lesson plans. This writing was simple and straightforward. I tried to stick to minimal, less is more writing. During the first half of this course, my writing went from horrible to better and has become more critical. I have taken to heart the suggestions made by Dr. Newman. My reading has become a more in depth look at writings of visual and performance artists and critics. I think the most important thing is to continue to improve writing and successfully finish the course.

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